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The domestication of cats is a fascinating journey that spans thousands of years, primarily rooted in the agricultural developments of the Near East. Here’s an overview of this history.

Origins of Domestication

The domestication of cats has for a long time believed to have begun around 7500–7200 BCE in the Fertile Crescent, a region that includes parts of modern-day Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan. This coincided with the rise of agriculture, as humans settled and began farming, which attracted rodents to their grain stores.

Wildcats, particularly the African wildcat (Felis silvestris lybica), were drawn to these settlements due to the abundance of prey. 

Plushie - Ramses the Cat (Assorted Colors) by Janie XY
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Spread and Cultural Significance

While early domestication likely began in the Fertile Crescent, ancient Egypt played a crucial role in shaping the relationship between humans and cats. By around 3100 BCE, cats were revered in Egyptian culture, symbolized by the goddess Bastet. They were kept as pets and also served practical purposes by controlling vermin populations.

As trade routes expanded, domestic cats spread throughout Europe. By 1200 BCE, they were present in Greece, introduced by traders from various cultures including the Phoenicians and Etruscans. The Romans further facilitated their spread across Europe during their empire.

Card - Sympathy - Cat Loss by Ilee Papergoods
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Genetic Studies

Recent genetic studies have confirmed that all domestic cats share a common ancestor with the African wildcat. This lineage has been traced through DNA analysis of ancient cat remains found across different regions. The findings indicate that while domestication began in the Near East, it later diversified with contributions from local wildcat populations as cats spread into new territories.

The history of cat domestication illustrates a unique relationship between humans and felines that has evolved over millennia. From their origins as wild hunters of rodents to their revered status in ancient civilizations, domestic cats have become integral companions in human society. Today, they are one of the most popular pets worldwide, continuing to embody traits inherited from their wild ancestors while adapting to life alongside humans.

Tote Bag - Sleepy Kitty by Everyday Balloons Print Shop

So...Are Cats Better Than Dogs?

We love cats at The Handmade Showroom in Downtown Seattle, but we have a special fondness for dogs, too.

Cats have distinctly different temperaments and needs from dogs. They are more independent, are generally quieter and take up less space, happy to lay on you for hours purring, but can be equally or more destructive than dogs to furniture and personal items. 

Dogs need to go for one to two walks per day and sometimes more depending on the breed, will often happily learn tricks, go for rides in the car, or enjoy a hike in the woods.  It's no mystery to dog owners why they are called "man's best friend". Many have a "ride or die" attitude toward their people, endearing them to many. But this means they lack the independence so many people appreciate in cats.

We think it all boils down to personal preference, but we're here to celebrate cats, so LET'S GO!!

Cat Toys

We have an assortment of toys to keep your feline friends happy including catnip-filled plush toys like this one from The Cat Ball in Bellevue, Washington.

Cat toy - Catnip Mouse (Assorted Colors) by The Cat Ball
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Cat Beds

Our cat balls and cat canoes popular with cats and dogs are a fun way to give them a bed to call their own.

Regular The Cat Canoe - Teal Batik Bubble with Cranberry Lining by The Cat Ball
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Regular The Cat Ball - Maneki Neko Red with Green Lining by The Cat Ball
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Cat Lovers Home Decor and Accessories

As cat people, we understand the desire to have cat-themed decor and personal items, so you can connect with the joy that comes from these furry friends. We've got a selection of cat-themed items for your home, office, school locker, or wardrobe.

Kitty Cat Vase - Side-Eye by Jennifer Fujimoto
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Earrings - Silver Cat Watch Dials by Christine Stoll Studio
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Whether you are searching for your own or someone else's cat friend, we have loads in store for you to choose from in our gift and souvenir shop in Downtown Seattle. You'll find handmade gifts from all over the USA, including from local Washington artists.



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